Monday, March 02, 2009

Trapped: Episode 1

This is a new video series that I am working on. This is the first episode. I hope you guys like it, and there will be more to come, for sure! And don't get the wrong idea about this, it is only acting.


Anonymous said...

Oh series needs to be cancelled. Why don't you tone up a bit and get fucked by some guys on Sean Cody? THAT we might want to see.

Anonymous said...

lol agreed... but yeah Sean Cody sounds like better suggestion as well.

Anonymous said...

Somebody seriously needs a life...

like all the other videos weren't ridicolous enough

Anonymous said...

Not bad... if you're gonna call it an episode, at least make it longer than 2 minutes. that was more like a preview of a movie. It's good. :)

Magnificent Records said...

Ooohhh Sean Cody.... damn those boys are sexy

Anonymous said...

That was a waste you never looked at the camera you're grunting and look annoyed instead of scared and why the hell were you tied. Ubber Lame.

Anonymous said...

the best bit about it was knowing that it was only 2 minutes long... any longer i would be smashing up my computer... get a life

Anonymous said...

I thought you needed to take a crap. But it's a cool idea

Anonymous said...

It got boring after 2 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Chris... these people who bash you make me laugh because here they are talking about you getting a life but they're on your website, they watched the video all the way through... for a video thats lame it had to be good enough for these idiots to watch it... keep doing what you do.
xoxo gossip boy