Monday, February 16, 2009

Artist of the Month: March
The poll for the artist of the month for March is now up. It is on the sidebar, so vote away! In the poll this time, we have: Kelly Clarkson, Keri Hilson, U2, and Hannah Montana. So vote everyday to get your favorite artist up there.


Vannis said...

I agree on the selection not being the best but if I'd have to choose I'd definatly go for Kelly Clarkson. She's had such a major come-back with "My Life Would Suck Without You". She definatly deserves the nr 1 spot. U2's latest single sounds aweful imho, and it's not getting any radio play whatsoever. Same goes (unfortunatly) for Keri Hilson. I guess "Energy" was ok, and I really liked "Return The Favor" but "Turning Me On" was incredibly poor single material. And I haven't heard anything from her at all here in the Netherlands. Though her guest performance on "The Way I Are" didn't go unnoticed here, she fails to hit the charts on her own.

Anonymous said...

Uh Hello? What about BoA?

Vannis said...


Anonymous said...

Jupiter Rising should be on it!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson