Monday, January 26, 2009

Lady GaGa - Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
Do YOU think this was a good choice for 3rd single off the album "The Fame". I, personally, am only listening to it now because I know its the 3rd single and I gotta say I do like it, but 3rd single? I kinda think they picked this as the single because it's slower and less hard-hitting than all the other songs but I'm still for "Money Honey" for single choice, or atleast "Paparazzi"! Your opinion?


Anonymous said...

sorry for busting your bubble but love game will be released in north America she's doing a double shoot for her videos for eh eh (nothing Else) and love game.

Sean Dempsey said...

That isnt bursting my bubble at all! I LOVE love game! hope its true!

Anonymous said...

sean you no nothing stop posting wrong info. LoveGame will be the new US single so we could care less about "Eh, Eh" right now. You always get your info wrong.

Sean Dempsey said...

Ah shut the FUCK up! She's shooting the video for Eh Eh, sorry she SHOT the Video for it, so you go get your info right...

Anonymous said...

...Wow that was mature. Anyways, "Money Honey" cannot be released as a single because it was considered a bonus track because it wasn't released to all countries.

Anonymous said...

I Think Paparazzi Should Be The Next Single!

Sean Dempsey said...

Omg take a chill pill! fire me? ha as if its a real job anyway....

Money Honey is now an official song because the version that was first sold in the US is now considered the original version but as soon as it sells out, it will be replaced by the version that was released here in Europe. Check that out on wikipedia if i didnt explain it right!