Well, with the lack of updates I decided that the blog should be giving away some sort of free music! As you all know I'm hard at working at my own music too and some of you really loved my first single, some didn't. HOWEVER, people outside of Ireland are unlucky enough not to be able to get my CD so I'm giving away some free copies! All you gotta do is this:
Go to my myspace & tell me why you want the CD. Whether it be a youtube video, small tiny message or just because you want free music, just send me the link or comment to me on myspace, simple! Also leave your address so I can send the most creative people the signed CD!
What don't you get? NOBODY CARES? First of all, it looks like you used Bitmap Paint to do the covers which look cheap, second of all, your songs are so TERRIBLE. I'm not even trying to be mean, but I cant stand your music or your posts. I cant wait fot Chris to be back in action with his daily posts.
S/he's not trying to be mean??? hahahahaha! That's classic! Please just stick to the old rule: IF U AIN'T NOTHIN' NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY NUTHIN' AT ALL! kthnxbi xoxoxo
Oh and Sean, keep your doing thang man. Ignore the haters. :)
Well, let's be honest here. That anonymous person might come of as a bit harsh. But your music isn't all that great, Sean. Sure, I suggest you keep on working on music if you love doing it. But be reasonable and accept that not everyone's going to love it. The music world is a harsh one. That's just the way things go. Of course your friends are going to love it, but that's what friends are for. I too am not trying to be mean here, but let's face it..you can't sing. I love your effort though, and as said before..keep on doing your thing. But be open to also the negative, and the positive. You might learn from it. Best of luck!
Exactly,even though I think the songs suck, I didn't mean to stop doing your thang, I just think you should make better music. Maybe a better producer will help.
I'm glad there's so many people to defend you sean! just keep trying and ignore the people that just like to say mean crap for the heck of it
i dont think anyone wants to hear that hahaha even if its free.
LoL this makes me laugh harder then a joke but seriously why you do this to yourself? if your really trying to get into the music world with directors directing your videos then good luck.
haha. i really admire your persistence despite all these negative comments about your music. thats a good character to have. Dont let people bring you down and keep working at your music. good luck!
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