Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Beyonce-Diva[Music Video Premiere]



Anonymous said...

I was expecting more from Sasha Fierce., but mabyeit's better that way. Sasha could of easily did a video similar to "Get Me Bodied" or "Independant Woman" Charlie's Agnels Theme. But it was fun to see Sasha still get down and shake and the artsy couture features in this video were not bad.

Josh Diaz said...

I didn't like it at al...
i prefer Halo which is not a WOW either. Where's Beyonce???

CJ said...

you guys are crazy. this video was fantastic!

Anonymous said...

i like both of the videos
but why both at once
everyone will like this one better because it has a nice beat to it
but if she keeps this up she will run out of tracks lol